Tuesday, May 1, 2007


1. What is Art? (Are there criteria? It is helpful to start by saying what art is not.)

Then: The definition of art is in the eye of the beholder.
Art to me is beauty. A pleasant sight to the eye or sound to the ear.
Classical music, a chair in the shape of a hand, a wall with paint seemingly just thrown onto it. All to me are beautiful. Paintings by Salvador Dali just make my heart melt. They are classic in their beauty because they are different. They aren't just pictures of someones face or paintings of fruit. To me, he is the genius behind surrealism.
Classical music is beautiful because it relaxes the mind and the body. The way that 300 instruments come together to create something so wonderful is purely amazing to me. I don't have any favorite composers because I can't decide who I love more.

My definition of art may have went off subject, but I hope that the idea I am reaching for is understood. I can only give my definition by explaining how it makes me feel.

Now: I still feel the same now as I did then.

2. What is Beauty?

Then: Beauty is colors and objects coming together in harmony to create a relaxing sense to the eye and mind. Everyone gets so caught up in the media's definition of beauty that we lose sight of what is truly beautiful to us as individuals. Beauty is a strong word to use now-a-days. "Ugly" is an equally strong word. A person can't rightfully call something "ugly" until they have looked at it from every angle. The media has taught us to only look at things from the outside and with that today's society has lost the desire to learn more about the person, work of art, or anything that they are about to judge.

Now: I truly still feel the same about this question. There are still things that are considered "ugly" but are incredibly beautiful to others.

3. Should art be censored?

Then: The internet, movies, lyrics... there is all types of media that goes uncensored so why should art be? Besides being able to move around, what is the difference between a nude sculpture and a nude woman or man on tv? What about a painting depicting infidelity, drug use, or gang wars? It gets "rapped" about daily.

Censorship is a way to deny the existence of nudity, violence, etc.

What is the point in censoring any type of media? People will find what they are looking for some how, why not make it less of a hassle?

Now: I still do not believe that any type of media should be censored. Some people may say that children would be affected if it wasn't, but your child is going to find out sometime. It may not be when you want them to find out, but they will. So, no, there shouldn't be censorship in the media.

4. Does it help or hinder your perspective on art to know about the artist’s personal life?

Then: I don't think that knowing a lot about the artist biases your opinion, but I prefer to know life aspects about the artist. I can typically get a sense of what the artist was thinking or how they were feeling at the time of the work and that kind of helps me relate. (Also, a little tidbit about me, I love to dissect things, anything, psychologically. If knowing the artist better helps me to do that, excellent!!!) But, like I said, I don't think knowing the whole life inside and out about the artist biases an opinion. You should be able to review any work based on your own judgment, not that of the artist.

Now: I still prefer to know somethings about the artists life. I've found out that in a small way, that it still kinda makes you decide how to write the review.

5. In your educated opinion, what is the most important function of art?

I think that the most important function of art is to open the hearts and minds of others to the various cultural differences there are in the world. A small sculpted vase or cup can tell alot about a person or the place that it came from.